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是否可以指定的投哪些WOS SCOPUS期刊?
我们无法指定你需要投稿的目标刊物,无法实现定制化服务,我们以检索收录为最终目标 列如:WOS SCIE JCRQ3-Q4 IF 1左右. Scopus (Elsevier) 期刊 Q3(或者Q4 )
CN法律的角度:泄露或倒卖国内科学研究成果及学术论文属于触犯刑法的严重违法行为,我们断不会触碰法律底线;从道德角度:我们视信誉为生命,良好的信誉是开展一切合作的前提,更是对工作原则和底线的践踏与挑战。从利益角度:若预审未通过,则说明该稿件的质量尚不达所供稿杂志社的录用标准,也无法进一步与您达成合作,那么该篇稿件对我们而言无实际意义.若预审通过但短期内未能与您达成合作,我们也对你的文章毫无兴趣,因为我们有来自全世界的研究员.编辑团队,不缺科学论文,我们不会对你的文章感兴趣, 我们真诚地重视我们的声誉,只提供我们确信的东西 (www.scopus.vip). ASISTENSI PUBLIKASI-SCOPUS/WoS(Scopus. Thomson Reuters). 信誉高于一切
EI Compendex(Conference Article).ISI Proceedings (CPCI-SSH CPCI-S ).SCOPUS.是否容易发?时间周期?检索问题?
1.论文应具有学术或实用价值(文稿务求论点明确、论据可靠、数据准确、重点突出、层次 清楚、文字精练,引用资料请附参考文献)。确保文稿中的图片及表格完全满足期刊规定的所有技术性要求, 包括但不限于图表格式、布局、分辨率等等。未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过,发表论文的作者需提交全文进行同行评审
2.论文必须用IMRAD架构论文. 逻辑结构更为清晰,利于论文的规范化
名字和姓氏(Sanfeng Zhang; 张三丰)
(School of xxx, xxx University, Guangzhou 510000, China;)
基金 项目 课题内容加到文章致谢内容 Acknowledgements
包括期刊编辑和审稿人都是读者,要让他们完全明白你的研究意义,论文必须要有条理,IMRaD 每章节都写得清晰,编排井然有序。
推荐专业翻译润色机构 意得辑:https://www.editage.cn/ AJE:https://www.aje.cn/ Charlesworth:https://www.cwauthors.com.cn/ 时间周期:完成文章注册后:2-6个月内文章刊出. 刊出后1-3个月检索到. 刊出加检索:3-8个月内.
文章CPCI-S检索信息可以在 汤森路透(Thomson Reuters) 旗下科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics) Web of Science(https://apps.webofknowledge.com/)数据库 查询检索信息, EI Compendex检索信息可以在Engineering Village(https://www.engineeringvillage.com/home.url)查询文章检索信息 检索报告证明可以在科技查新站或者省级图书馆开具,在本中心投稿的文章可以免费安排开具赠送检索证明 链接: http://clarivate.cfp.edu.pl/my/education.htm ( http://www.ietr.vip/education.html)
出版文章的国际会议和研讨会.BOOK系列丛书名称(刊出在哪个会议上. 是否可以参会. 会议的组织方 举办方.)?
我们以刊出文章和文章索引要求为主. 简单的说 我们以发文章为主. 以索引(EI Compendex CA类型. Thomson ISI Web of Science CPCI-S CPCI-SSH. SCOPUS等).收录要求为目的 作者要说明文章检索要求.选择我们提供的会议期刊目录做选择. 作者完成注册缴费后.我们会告知刊出的会议名称.会签收文章版权协议 我们的组织方为:加拿大渥太华大学.克拉斯诺亚尔斯克科学技术院. 俄罗斯国立大学.国内部分高校.各大研究院.合作出版单位都是全球顶尖出版社(协会).我们有强大的实力背景.相对国内会议Conference Proceedings. 我们的出版非常有档次.
SCI.EI.SSCI.AHCI期刊发表 #本服务针对老作者(客户)提供. .SCI SSCI AHCI发表 录用通知都2-3个月才能下来(刊出加检索8-16个月).周期长 费用高. 新人咨询 沟通成本太高 很难成交...所以新人咨询这类问题 .不予推荐 解答这类信息.(第一次与我们联系的作者(客户) 可以先考虑发(EI Compendex CA类型. Thomson ISI Web of Science CPCI-S CPCI-SSH. SCOPUS等))
检索是指从文献资料、网络信息等信息集合中查找到自己需要的信息或资料的过程。为了进行检索,通常需要对资料进行索引。传统文献资料需要提取题名、作者、出版年、主题词等作为索引,而在网络时代,计算机可以对全文进行索引,即文中每一个词都能成为检索点。 主要类型:EI/SCI/SSCI/AHCI/ESCI/CPCI/Chemical Abstracts (ACS)/ Scopus (Elsevier)/ Inspec (IET)/EBSCO/WorldCat (OCLC)/等等...
版面费用可以公对公.个人对公或对私缴费 (支持国际支付 Ecpss(如VISA和MasterCard).Paypal等等).汇款后您需要保留汇款信息照片或扫描件填写具体的汇款信息(汇款填写单或汇款回执单),如汇款时间金额等,方便我们工作人员核对;同时如果允许,汇款时您可以在汇款附言中填写文章编号或姓名等信息;我们有海外账户.全世界内的地区汇款都可以接收。
一般情况下都能发表,但由于不可预测因素也可能会导致稿件不能发表。随意承诺什么样的稿子都百分之百可以发表,是不负责任的。如果未能发表,则全额退费,不收取任何费用. 请客户保留汇款凭证。由本站发表的文章,如果没有按期发表,由本站全额退还客户支付的费用。
发票内容可以为:期刊版面费、会议注册费、版面费、文章润色费、审稿费、打印费、复印费、修改费、翻译费、科技查新费、资料费等 由于国内财务合作公司为会展教育咨询类公司,经营范围不包括试剂,因此发票内容不能开具试剂费等项目
影响因子(Impact Factor)
科睿唯安公司(Clarivate Analytics,原汤森路透知识产权与科技事业部)每年出版JCR(《期刊引用报告》,全称Journal Citation Reports)。JCR对包括SCI收录的3800种核心期刊(光盘版)在内的8000多种期刊(网络版)之间的引用和被引用数据进行统计、运算,并针对每种期刊定义了影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以报道。 一种期刊的影响因子,指的是该刊前二年发表的文献在当前年的平均被引用次数。一种刊物的影响因子越高,也即其刊载的文献被引用率越高,一方面说明这些文献报道的研究成果影响力大,另一方面也反映该刊物的学术水平高。 Journal Citation Reports(期刊引证报告,简称JCR)http://isiknowledge.com/JCR
投稿状态说明 *Status description
Uploaded - the submission process has not been fulfilled for 100%. The editors do not see the paper and cannot work with it.
Submitted - the submission process has been finished successfully.
In Review - reviewers have been assigned to the paper; awaiting the submission of reviewers reports.
Editorial - the reviews have been completed; awaiting editor’s decision.
Rejected - the paper has been rejected (with or without review).
Revisions - the review process is over; the paper needs to be revised. Once the revised version is uploaded, the status changes automatically to Revised.
Revised - the revised paper awaiting editor’s decision.
Accepted - the paper has been accepted in its present form.
Researcher : refers to the main author of the initial version of the paper (pre-print), and who will register with RC and obtain the permissions to use our platform. This author will make his or her preprint available to other co-authors for investment to pay for registration of papers in journals and conference papers, as well as optional Open Access.
Co-author: refers to the professional who enters the platform and invests in one of our investment plans, in order to actively and synergistically participate in the elaboration of one or several scientific papers.
Research (RCR): refers to the researcher who, after being accepted by our selection committee, becomes a freelancer, who will place a determined number of pre-prints in our platform on a monthly basis and at the service of the academic community so that co-authors can join them through a monetary investment. The RCRs will have access to our monetization system.
Freelancer: Is an independent worker who offers specific jobs for companies or individuals, in an autonomous way, managing his/her time and work himself/herself.
Institution: refers to universities, educational corporations and/or research centers that acquire one of our investment plans.
Price list: table where the base values and percentage of royalties are stipulated, according to type of publication, type of participant, quartile and number of authors entered in the publications.
Royalty base: amount based on which the royalties obtained by our participants are calculated depending on the quartile and type of publication and management selected.
Project: refers to a classification of specific knowledge and according to which a series of papers are grouped. Example: project to analyze the factors that affect university visibility in the countries of the Middle East.
Category: group in which a knowledge is included or classified Example: Computer science.
Investment plans: refers to our set of products and services where participants can invest to become co-authors in scientific publications.
Scientific paper (Paper): A scientific paper is a document that informs, in a clear and precise manner, about the results obtained from an innovative research work on a specific topic, and which is usually sent to a specialized journal for its publication and subsequent dissemination.
Publication management: process in which the location and placement in a scientific journal of a manuscript (paper) is carried out.
Pre-print: a version of an academic or scientific paper that precedes formal peer review and publication in an academic or scientific journal; this version is subject to feedback from the co-authors.
Paper: a version of a scientific manuscript that has been fed back by its co-authors, and is ready to be placed in evaluation by a scientific journal or conference.
Principal author (PA): we assume as principal author the researcher who conceives and executes the idea of the scientific paper.
Correspondent author: the person who handles correspondence with the editor: sends and receives mail by sending the paper, receiving the referee’s reports, etc. For the purposes of RC, this person will be the one who assumes the management of publication of the paper to the journal or conference.
Papers in Journals: a paper whose content is based on a scientific method and is published in journals indexed in SCOPUS and/or WoS, classified as Journal and quartile in scimago and/or impact factor in WoS.
Papers in Book Series: refers to those scientific papers generally published through conferences, but indexed by SCOPUS and classified by Scimago as Book series and quartile between Q2, Q3 and Q4; they may or may not be categorized in CPCI-S or CPCI-SSH.
Journal registration: refers to the payment that must be paid to the scientific journal for the publication rights of an article. This is established by the journal and under no circumstances will it include fees or payments for expediting publication processes that violate the ethical status established by the academic community.
Conference registration: refers to the payment that must be paid at a conference for registration of the main author (or the author that the participants of the paper select to support their research) and publication rights in a proceeding or conference papers according to the policies of the event.
Proceedings and conference papers: scientific paper presented and published in the memories of a conference. For CR purposes, these proceedings should be published in journals indexed by SCOPUS and/or WoS, and classified as book series or conference papers by Scimago or the indexing bases.
Campaign: refers to the process from the time the paper is placed on the fundraising platform until the total number of co-authors has been completed or the PA decides not to admit any more co-authors.
Participation system: refers to the categories of users, depending on the products and services they wish to join, among: researchers, co-authors, researchcyclers and institutions.
Cooperation system: refers to the types of contributions that each co-author is obliged to make for the improvement of the pre-print. They are classified into: data processing, critical writing, critical review and; layout, formats and translations.
Affiliation: refers to the organization/institution with which the authors are associated (e.g., where an author conducts his or her primary research), and which they cite in their article at the time of publication.
SCOPUS: is a bibliographic database of abstracts and citations of scientific journal papers. It covers approximately 18,000 titles from over 5000 international publishers, including coverage of 16,500 peer-reviewed journals in the fields of science, technology, medicine, and social sciences, including the arts and humanities. It is published by Elsevier and is accessible on the Web for subscribers.
Percentile in SCOPUS (P): is a value that serves to compare an ordered set of data. The percentile result is set to a value from one to 100. Generally, in the case of papers indexed by SCOPUS, those that are above or equal to the percentile 50 (i.e. the best half of the classification) are considered to be high-quality journals, book series or conference papers or TOP.
SJR (Scimago Journal Rank): is a metrics that weights the prestige of a journal. It distributes equally the prestige of a journal among the total number of citations in the journal and normalizes the differences in citation behavior of the different thematic fields.
Cite Score: Calculates the average number of citations received among all published documents in the three years prior to the metrics. It is updated annually and the percentiles of the indicator are presented in addition to the indicator.
Web of Science (WoS): Is an online scientific information service, provided by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters), integrated into ISI Web of Knowledge, WoK. It provides access to a set of databases containing citations to scientific journal papers, books and other printed material covering all fields of academic knowledge.
The Web of Science Main Collection: consists of ten indices that include information gathered from thousands of academic journals, books, collections, reports and conferences, among many other sources. The first three citation indices contain the references cited by the authors of the papers. It completely covers more than 12,000 important journals of worldwide impact.
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-Expanded) — 1900-to present Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) — from 1900 to present Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) — 1975 to present Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) — 2005-to present
SCI-E: Science Citation Index Expanded is a multidisciplinary index of science journal literature. It fully covers more than 8,300 major journals in 150 scientific disciplines and includes all cited references captured from indexed papers.
SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index of social science journal literature. It completely covers more than 2,900 journals from 50 disciplines related to the social sciences. It also indexes relevant elements selected individually from more than 3,500 of the world’s most important technical and scientific journals.
A&HCI: Arts & Humanities Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index of arts and humanities journal literature. It fully covers more than 1,600 leading arts and humanities journals from around the world. It also indexes relevant elements selected individually from more than 6,000 major science and social science journals.
Journal Citation Report (JCR): it is the best known and most valued quality indicator by research evaluation agencies. It measures the impact of a journal according to the citations received for papers published and collected in the Web of Science (WOS). JCR has two annual editions, JCR Science Edition and JCR Social Sciences Edition. The publication window is two years retrospective, although there is an Impact Factor with the data from 5 years ago. Note that there is no impact factor for Art and Humanities, except for History and Linguistics.
CPCI-S: Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science this citation index covers conference literature in all scientific and technical fields.
CPCI-SSH: Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Sciences & Humanities This citation index covers conference literature in all fields of the social sciences, arts, and humanities.
IEEE Xplore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Xplore Digital Library. It offers access to the full text of more than three million documents of the world literature (periodicals, conference proceedings, standards, books, training courses) in engineering and technology.
Anti-plagiarism report: report provided by RC to the co-author or institution where it reflects the study of our experts on the originality of the paper and some suggestions for improvements.
Similarity Index Report: The similarity report shows a percentage and a corresponding color that indicates where this percentage falls, in terms of content match. The percentage is generated by the amount of matching or similar text compared to the number of words in the submission in total. RC provides this report based on ithenticate turnitin for a minimal additional cost.
Collaboration agreement between co-authors: document that must be signed by all co-authors of a paper in order to commit to participate in our cooperation system and accept our terms and conditions.
Royalty plans: plans offered by CR for the generation of profits to the members of the participation system.
Research monetization system: royalty plans available to our participants to generate income based on the writing and/or publication of scientific papers in journals and conferences indexed by SCOPUS and/or WoS.
Third Party Payment Invoice: refers to the collection invoice issued by RC to the co-author who wishes to participate in one of our investment plans, and which will be in the name of a third party for payment; usually the co-author’s membership institution.
Open Access: is a movement that promotes free access to scientific literature, encouraging its free availability on the Internet and allowing any user to read, download, copy, print, distribute or any other legal use of it, without any barriers.
Certification of contribution to project: document that demonstrates the type of participation that the co-author had in the formation of the final version of the paper.
Analysis time: time that goes from the sending of the paper to RC by the researcher or RCR until RC approves it and places it on the platform to start the investment process. It should not exceed three working days.
Investment time: time that goes from the moment RC places the paper on the platform to start the investment process until the total number of co-authors has been completed or the AP decides to close the campaign. It should not exceed 30 calendar days.
Placement time: time from the end of the investment time to the submission of the paper to a journal or conference as agreed with the co-authors. This time includes the feedback of the co-authors to the pre-print to obtain the paper to be applied. It should not exceed 15 calendar days.
Evaluation time: refers to the time from the placement of the paper in the journal or conference until the letter of acceptance or rejection is issued to the corresponding author. It depends on the publication medium.
Improvement time: time that goes from the emission of the acceptance letter to the sending of the final version of the paper including improvements if the reviewing pairs deserve it. It should not exceed 7 calendar days.
Time of publication: time that goes from the end of the improvement time to the publication of the paper in the journal online or physically as appropriate (for our purposes, the in-press version is considered to be published). It depends on the publication medium.
Indexing time: time from the publication of the paper in the journal to its indexing in the SCOPUS or WoS databases. It depends on the indexing base.
Project time: time from investment closing to publication of the paper in journal or conferences as appropriate. For journal, it is estimated in one year and for conference papers of 6 months according to investment plan.
Limit of collection: minimum amount collected by a campaign to make payment for the registration of the paper in the journal or conference
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